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ELSA at the IEEE Power & Energ Society, Innovative Smart Grids Technologies, Europe

UTRC Ireland recently represented ELSA at the IEEE Power and Energy Society conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Europe, which took place from October 9 to 12, 2016, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Participants of the conference included Transmission and Distributuion System Operators, Smart Grid companies, and the scientific community researching within this area.
Topics of the conference included:
Sarah O'Connell (UTRC Ireland) presenting ELSA at the IEEE Conference
UTRC presented twice at the conference: The first presentation was on a paper and the second presentation was on the ELSA project as a whole.
The paper presented by Sarah O’Connell  was entitled "Flexibility Analysis for Smart Grid Demand Side Services Incorporating 2nd Life EV Batteries”  and was based on the flexibility assessment methodology she developed as part of Work Package 1 in ELSA.
As a result of the paper presentation, Sarah O'Connell was asked to also present the ELSA project in a session on European Projects which included the FP7 INCREASE, DREAM and IDE4L projects as well the STORY H2020 project. ELSA received good feedback and there was considerable interest in the 2nd life storage system.
At the conference, discussions with  Grid operators across Europe highlighted a number of areas of concern about including managing increasing amounts of distributed renewable generation on the grid, deferring investment in distribution assets, frequency and voltage regulation, managing reactive power and how storage and demand side services can help to mitigate these issues.
Find the presentation held by Sarah O'Connell here.
Find the paper here. Please use the following reference:
O’Connell, S., Riverso, ‘Flexibility Analysis for Smart Grid Demand Side Services Incorporating 2nd Life EV Batteries.’ IEEE Power and Energy Society Integrated Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT 2016) Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.  9 -12 October 2016.